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Large Maine Coon

Welcome to the fascinating world of the large Maine Coon, a furry feline that captures hearts with its impressive size and charm. The Maine Coon is known as the largest domesticated cat breed in the world, and it’s easy to see why. With their majestic appearance and captivating personality, these giant Maine Coon cats are truly a sight to behold.

Key Takeaways

  • Maine Coons are the largest domesticated cat breed, known for their impressive size.
  • They can weigh up to 18 pounds for males and 16 pounds for females.
  • Maine Coons have long, silky hair and athletic frames that set them apart.
  • They are intelligent, sociable, and playful, making them wonderful family pets.
  • Maine Coons have a dog-like temperament and get along well with other pets, including dogs.

Maine Coon Size and Weight

The Maine Coon holds the title for being the largest domesticated cat breed in the world, with males weighing up to 18 pounds and females reaching 16 pounds. Their size is truly remarkable, making them stand out among other cat breeds. Not only are Maine Coons big in terms of weight, but they also possess a sturdy and muscular build, giving them an imposing presence.

These extra large cats have long, rectangular bodies and strong boning, contributing to their impressive size. Their bodies are supported by strong legs and large paws, which aid them in their agile movements. With such imposing dimensions, it’s no wonder that the Maine Coon is often referred to as a gentle giant.

Maine Coon Size and Weight Table

GenderWeight Range
Male13-18 pounds
Female10-16 pounds

The Maine Coon’s size and weight are not only impressive on their own, but they also contribute to the breed’s overall majestic appearance. Combined with their long, flowing coats and bushy tails, these cats truly command attention wherever they go.

Despite their large size, Maine Coons are incredibly graceful and agile. They are natural athletes, able to jump to great heights and navigate various obstacles with ease. Their size and weight also contribute to their laid-back and gentle temperament, making them wonderful companions for families and individuals alike.

Maine Coon Appearance and Personality

With their stunning long, silky hair and graceful athletic frames, Maine Coon cats are truly a sight to behold. But it’s not just their looks that make them special. These charming felines are known for their sociable and playful nature, making them a favorite among cat lovers.

The Maine Coon’s beautiful long, silky hair not only adds to their regal appearance but also serves a practical purpose. Their thick double coat helps protect them from the cold weather, allowing them to adapt well to various climates. Additionally, their large tufted ears, pronounced cheekbones, and expressive eyes give them an endearing look that is hard to resist.

Beyond their physical attributes, Maine Coons are also highly intelligent. They enjoy interactive play and mental stimulation, making them easy to train. Their dog-like temperament makes them eagerly responsive to commands and can even be taught to walk on a leash. These playful cats also have a penchant for games and toys, keeping both themselves and their owners entertained for hours.

Maintaining a Maine Coon’s coat

Due to their long hair, Maine Coons require regular grooming to keep their coat in pristine condition. Brushing their fur at least a few times a week helps prevent matting and reduces the amount of shedding. Many Maine Coon owners find grooming sessions to be a bonding experience with their feline friends.

Personable and sociable companions

One of the most endearing traits of Maine Coons is their sociability. These cats thrive in the company of their human companions and are known to be friendly and affectionate. They enjoy being part of the family and are often found following their owners around the house, ready to offer a comforting presence or engage in play. This makes Maine Coons great pets for families, including households with children or other pets.

Hair LengthAthletic FramePersonality
Long, silky hairGraceful and athletic buildSociable and playful

Whether they’re cuddling on the couch, playing hide and seek, or showing off their acrobatic skills, Maine Coons are sure to bring joy and entertainment to any household. Their unique combination of stunning looks and lovable personality traits truly sets them apart in the world of domesticated cats.

Maine Coon as Family Pets

Maine Coons are not only gentle giants but also intelligent and sociable companions, making them perfect additions to any family. These affectionate cats have a dog-like temperament, and they quickly form deep bonds with their human owners. They are known for their friendly nature and get along well with other pets, including dogs. Whether you have children, other cats, or even a canine companion, a Maine Coon will fit right in.

One of the key reasons why Maine Coons make great family pets is their intelligence. These cats are highly trainable and can learn tricks and commands, just like a well-behaved dog. They are curious and quick learners, always ready to explore and engage in interactive play. This level of intelligence also means that Maine Coons can adapt easily to new environments and routines, making them adaptable to different family dynamics.

In addition to their intelligence, Maine Coons are also sociable creatures. They thrive on human company and love being involved in family activities. Whether it’s lounging on the sofa while you watch TV or following you around the house, they will always be by your side, ready to offer companionship. Their sociable nature extends to guests as well, making them excellent hosts for family gatherings or visits from friends.

Maine Coons are truly versatile family pets. They are gentle with children and have a patient demeanor, making them ideal playmates for little ones. Their large size and sturdy build also mean they can handle the excitement and energy of kids without getting easily overwhelmed. With their good-natured personalities and affectionate nature, Maine Coons bring joy, laughter, and endless entertainment to any family fortunate enough to have them.

Maine Coon as Family Pets:Intelligence:Sociability:Compatibility:
Gentle giants and perfect additions to any familyHighly trainable and quick learnersThrive on human company and love being involved in family activitiesGet along well with children and other pets

Maine Coon Breed Origin and Myths

The history of the Maine Coon breed is shrouded in captivating tales of breeding legends and potential royal connections. One of the most popular legends claims that the Maine Coon is the result of a romantic affair between a domestic cat and a raccoon. Although genetically impossible, this myth arose due to the breed’s large size, tufted ears, and bushy tails resembling those of raccoons.

Another intriguing story suggests that the Maine Coon was brought to America by Marie Antoinette, the ill-fated queen of France. According to this legend, when Marie Antoinette was preparing to flee France during the French Revolution, she loaded her belongings onto a ship bound for America. It is said that among her possessions were her beloved long-haired cats, which were then crossbred with local cats, resulting in the Maine Coon we know today.

While the truth behind these legends remains a mystery, it is widely believed that the Maine Coon breed originated in New England during the 19th century. They were likely a result of natural selection, adapting to harsh winters and rural environments. Their thick, water-resistant fur, large size, and exceptional hunting skills made them well-suited for surviving in the harsh climate.

Myth or Reality: Unraveling the Truth

“The Maine Coon’s captivating history adds to its charm, as enthusiasts continue to debate the breed’s true origins.”

Modern genetics and scientific research have shed some light on the Maine Coon’s ancestry, debunking the more extravagant myths. DNA analysis suggests that the breed has no raccoon ancestry and is the result of breeding between domestic cats and European longhairs brought by early settlers to New England. This crossbreeding most likely occurred naturally, over time, as the cats adapted and interbred with the local feline population.

Despite the debunking of these legends, the allure of the Maine Coon’s mysterious origins remains a captivating aspect of the breed. Whether they were the result of breeding legends or royal connections, there’s no denying the charm and beauty of these magnificent felines.

Notable Large Maine Coons
Moonwalk Magnum
Stewie (largest recorded Maine Coon, measuring 48.5 inches in length)

Maine Coon Popularity and Price

The Maine Coon breed, known for its large size and friendly nature, ranks among the top three most popular cat breeds globally and commands a considerable price in the market. As a Maine Coon breeder, I have witnessed firsthand the growing demand for these magnificent feline companions. Their unique appearance, with their long, silky hair and athletic frames, make them a sight to behold.

One reason for the Maine Coon’s popularity is their intelligence and sociable nature. Maine Coons are not only great pets for families but also adapt well to other pets, including dogs. Their dog-like temperament and playful personality make them a joy to have around the house, bringing endless entertainment and companionship.

When it comes to living with a Maine Coon, they are highly adaptable to indoor living. However, it’s important to note that they can be vocal, expressing themselves through their distinctive meows. This is something to consider if you prefer a quieter home environment. Additionally, the breed offers a wide array of colors and patterns, allowing you to choose a Maine Coon that matches your personal taste.

Notable Large Maine Coons

While the Maine Coon breed is not considered rare, their impressive size never fails to capture attention. In recent years, numerous large Maine Coons have gained fame on social media and in the cat-loving community. Some notable examples include Moonwalk Magnum, Lotus, Samson, Cygnus, Omar, Ludo, Barivel, and Stewie, the largest Maine Coon on record, measuring an astonishing 48.5 inches in length.

When it comes to the price of a Maine Coon kitten, it can vary depending on various factors such as pedigree, lineage, and breeder reputation. On average, you can expect to pay between $1000 to $2000 for a Maine Coon kitten. This higher price point is justified by the breed’s popularity and the care and dedication that reputable breeders put into breeding healthy and well-socialized kittens.

Notable Large Maine CoonsLength
Moonwalk Magnum43.5 inches
Lotus47 inches
Samson28.07 pounds
Cygnus33.16 pounds
Omar47.5 inches
Ludo45.98 inches
Barivel40 inches
Stewie48.5 inches

Living with a Maine Coon

Maine Coons adapt well to indoor living, but be prepared for some vocal communication from these sociable felines. Plus, they come in a stunning array of colors and patterns.

Living with a Maine Coon is a delightful experience. These majestic cats are known for their adaptability to indoor living, making them suitable for apartments and houses alike. They appreciate having a designated space to call their own, complete with cozy beds, scratching posts, and interactive toys to keep them mentally stimulated.

While Maine Coons are generally quiet and peaceful, they have a tendency to be vocal when they want attention or are feeling playful. Their expressive meows and chirps can brighten up any home, adding to the charm of living with these lovable companions.

Brown TabbyClassic Tabby
Black SmokeMackerel Tabby
BlueSpotted Tabby

Maine Coons are renowned for their stunning variety of colors and patterns, ranging from the classic brown tabby to the striking black smoke. Whether you prefer a solid color, a combination of hues, or a beautiful tortoiseshell pattern, there is a Maine Coon to suit every taste.

Embrace the Charms of Living with a Maine Coon

Living with a Maine Coon means sharing your home with a companion that will bring endless joy and entertainment. Their friendly and sociable nature makes them perfect for families and multi-pet households, where they quickly become beloved members.

  • Maine Coons are known for their dog-like temperament, often following their human counterparts around the house and even playing fetch. Their intelligence allows them to learn tricks and commands, further enhancing their bond with their owners.
  • These gentle giants are also fantastic with children, happily tolerating their playful antics and providing endless cuddles and snuggles. Their patient and affectionate nature makes them an excellent choice for families with young children.

Living with a Maine Coon is like having your very own majestic lion or tiger in miniature form. Their size, beauty, and loving personalities make them a remarkable addition to any home. So, be prepared to be captivated by the charms of living with a Maine Coon!

Notable Large Maine Coons
Moonwalk Magnum

These notable large Maine Coons have gained attention for their impressive size and charm. From Moonwalk Magnum to Stewie, the largest Maine Coon on record measuring 48.5 inches in length, these feline giants are a testament to the incredible stature of the breed.


In conclusion, the large Maine Coon is an extraordinary breed that captivates with its size, charm, and friendly demeanor. And let’s not forget about Stewie, the largest Maine Coon on record, measuring a staggering 48.5 inches in length.

Maine Coons are known for their impressive size, with males weighing up to 18 pounds and females reaching 16 pounds. Their long, silky hair and athletic frames make them stand out among other cat breeds.

Not only are Maine Coons physically striking, but they also possess great intelligence and a sociable nature, making them ideal pets for families. Their dog-like temperament allows them to get along well with other pets, including dogs, creating a harmonious environment within the household.

While Maine Coons are adaptable to indoor living, they can be quite vocal, expressing themselves through a range of meows and trills. Additionally, their variety of colors and patterns adds to their allure, ensuring each Maine Coon is unique in its appearance.

As for their origins, the Maine Coon’s beginnings are still shrouded in mystery, with legends of breeding between cats and raccoons or tales of Marie Antoinette bringing them to the United States. Regardless of their origins, Maine Coons have become one of the most popular cat breeds globally, and their kittens are sought after by many cat enthusiasts, typically priced between $1000 to $2000.

Notable examples of large Maine Coons include Moonwalk Magnum, Lotus, Samson, Cygnus, Omar, Ludo, Barivel, and, of course, Stewie, the largest Maine Coon on record. Stewie’s incredible length of 48.5 inches further emphasizes the impressive size that the Maine Coon breed can reach.


Q: What is the Maine Coon’s size and weight range?

A: Maine Coons are known for their large size, with males weighing up to 18 pounds and females weighing up to 16 pounds.

Q: What are the distinguishing characteristics of a Maine Coon’s appearance and personality?

A: Maine Coons have long, silky hair, athletic frames, and are known for being sociable and playful.

Q: Are Maine Coons good pets for families?

A: Yes, Maine Coons are intelligent, have a dog-like temperament, and are friendly with other pets, making them great companions for families.

Q: What is the origin of the Maine Coon breed?

A: The exact origin of the Maine Coon is still a bit mysterious, with legends of breeding between cats and raccoons or being brought over by Marie Antoinette.

Q: How popular are Maine Coons and how much do they cost?

A: Maine Coons are one of the top three most popular cat breeds in the world. The price of a Maine Coon kitten can vary, but it typically ranges from $1000 to $2000.

Q: What is it like living with a Maine Coon?

A: Maine Coons are adaptable to living indoors, but they can be vocal. They come in various colors and patterns, adding visual appeal to their presence.

Q: Can you provide examples of notable large Maine Coons?

A: Some notable large Maine Coons include Moonwalk Magnum, Lotus, Samson, Cygnus, Omar, Ludo, Barivel, and Stewie, the largest Maine Coon on record, measuring 48.5 inches in length.

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